As a member of Girl Up, you have the opportunity to actively advocate for gender equality and support girls' rights worldwide. Your efforts will contribute to meaningful change and make a positive impact on the lives of girls facing challenges.

Girl Up provides a great environment for personal growth. Through organizing events, leading campaigns, and collaborating with others, you'll build essential leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills. You will also have the opportunity to work on areas you are passionate about, like writing, research, editing, design, multimedia and more.

For students seeking to fulfill CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) or service requirements, the Girl Up club offers a meaningful and impactful platform. Engaging in various initiatives fulfills your service hours while making a difference in the lives of others.

Being part of a global movement like Girl Up enhances your resume and sets you apart in college applications and future career opportunities. Skills learned at Girl Up say a lot about your character!

Time commitment will be flexible. We understand you have a busy schedule.